Author: Matthew Carson

Goals, Plan, Repeat

Goals, Plan, Repeat
Although it isn’t ‘sexy’ and sounds pretty basic, ‘Goals, Plan, Repeat’ captures the financial planning process which we believe makes sense for individuals to follow. Identifying your goals can sometimes be a bit of a struggle and that’s why it is beneficial to seek help from a financial adviser, because only once you know your goals can you make a plan in order to achieve them. Once your plan is in place, you can narrow down all the investments the … Read More

The Behaviour Gap

The Behaviour Gap
It SHOULD be common knowledge that if you are trying to time the stock market then you will undoubtedly have less wealth than an investor who builds a proper portfolio seeking market rates of return, rebalances annually, and looks to the long term. Numerous studies have supported this viewpoint yet many people do the exact opposite. This is why it’s vital to have a trusted adviser who will work with you on building a diversified, robust portfolio of funds … Read More

BRB is 35 years old!

BRB Wealth Management was founded in 1980 by Mike Barnett, Ken Rawlinson and Steve Bentley. Ken and Steve sadly passed away a number of years ago and Mike Barnett left the business in 2001. We would firstly like to thank all three for starting the business and giving us the opportunity to continue their excellent work. Since the company was founded, a lot has happened in the world. There have been revolutionary developments in technology, periods of booming financial markets … Read More

Diversification—“Fidelity’s Buddy”

The following piece has been written by Dan Wheeler, former Director of Financial Adviser Services at Dimensional Fund Advisors 1989-2010. Now retired, Dan writes blogs about investments based around the lessons he learned throughout his career in U.S finance. In ‘Fidelity’s buddy’, Dan talks about the proper use of diversification in a portfolio. Diversification, when applied correctly, is one of the greatest tools to an investor. However, if you invest solely in the latest ‘hot fund’, what do … Read More

Save to top up state pension

The transition to the new flat-rate state pension from next April is complicated, but in principle the question is simple, says the Telegraph. How much do you need to save to have the retirement income you need? assuming you get the new flat-rate pension of £8,100 a year – which will rise in line with inflation or earnings. Someone earning £50,000 a year is likely to need a retirement income of £30,000 a year, of which the OAP will provide … Read More

Sale options for business owners

The Mail asked whether business owners should consider selling their business through one of the websites now specialising in this sector rather than using the traditional method of employing a business sale broker. Brokers tend to charge around 15%, so the online route can offer large savings, but brokers warn about the potential loss of confidentiality, the difficulties in valuation and the time owners will take managing the process, which may detract from the performance of their business. Read More

Pension tax reclaims get easier

Most people withdrawing money from their pension funds (over the 25% of the fund that can be taken tax-free) are paying the emergency tax rate, because HMRC will accept only a P45 form as the basis for applying a tax rate to the withdrawal. That also meant people would have to wait until the end of the tax year before being able to reclaim overpaid tax. But now HMRC has introduced a system for much faster tax reclaims, which it … Read More

What is Financial Planning?

Financial Planning isn’t just about buying products like a pension or an ISA. It is an ongoing process to help you make sensible decisions about money that can help you achieve your goals in life. It may involve thinking about how your family would manage without your income should you fall ill, putting appropriate wills in place to protect your family’s inheritance or just spending money differently; all these things need to be considered when creating your Financial Plan. You … Read More

Initial Meeting with our Advisers

“If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?” One of the main reasons people come to us at BRB is that they want to make a plan; a plan that will allow them to be comfortable financially both in the present and in the distant future. We have many people who come to us with different aims; some want to prepare for retirement, some want to arrange protection for their family should they … Read More

The Annual Review

An annual review is a meeting held once a year between an adviser and a client, creating an ideal opportunity to update the client’s financial plan or deal with any worries or concerns that have cropped up since their last meeting. At BRB, we believe that these review meetings are crucial because they allow us to provide relevant advice based on a client’s current circumstances – because life is always throwing up reasons to change our initial financial targets. We … Read More